My name is Carlos Petersen and I am formally the Head Men’s Soccer Coach at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. I have coached at the collegiate level for 15 years. I hold the USSF A License, NSCAA Advanced National Diploma and have attended various workshops, camps, and clinics conducted by US and Foreign National Team Coaches, Ajax Youth and Professional Coaches and USSF National Youth Coaches. I have three GSC COY awards, repeated GSC Championships and have taken the program to its first ever NCAA Regional Tournament. I have worked in youth coaching for 25 years and have coached teams to the State Championships and Regional Championships. I am currently beginning my forth year as coaching director of the Madison Soccer Club. As a player I have been involved in the game for 38 years.
I met Brian Ramoutar through a player of mine in September of 2000. Since that meeting we have collaborated repeatedly on several coaching and training issues from the college level to the youth level and even professional level. I have had numerous opportunities to observe him coach and interact with my players over the past five years. I have been very fortunate to have him work with my players. They have always responded very positively to him and Brian has always been able to improve our level of play individually and as a team. He certainly has the ability to coach at the collegiate level!
Brian’s experience and knowledge for the game speaks for itself. There are few coaches in the country that are at the youth level that have such an adept ability to improve an individual player or team. I have tried for years to get him to move to Alabama to coach with me at the youth and collegiate level. I feel certain that if he did not have such strong family ties in the Charlotte area we would have been coaching together several years ago.
Brian has a very strong sense of purpose and conviction about how to train players and develop programs. This confidence and knowledge is one of his greatest assets as a coach. It allows him to transfer a self-belief, confidence and sense of purpose to his players. Of my interaction with the top level of coaching in this country and around the world, this trait is one that is found repeatedly in these top-level successful coaches. While some administrators at the youth level prefer a more politically docile individual, the players and organization fair much better with some one of strong conviction and great knowledge of the game.
You are very fortunate to have such a coaching talent in your midst. I hope you are able to take advantage of Brian’s talents for the betterment of the children in the sport. Should you want to contact me I can be reached at 256-824-2207 - Carlos Petersen.
My son began rec in Union County when he was five years old and loved it, but after three years with volunteer coaches I began to realize that he needed a coach with more experience. A volunteer coach has the best intentions, but even a well-meaning parent lacks the time and experience of a trained coach—or worse teaches wrong technique. So I began looking around Union County for better training and really didn’t want to commit to drive to Charlotte two or three days a week. I found Bryan and went to observe one of his training sessions. He was strict and maintained high expectations for the players. He asks in return effort and dedication to the sport. If your son or daughter is not committed, then it would be best to leave them in a rec league. My son now is 18 and plays college soccer while keeping a high GPA in the field of engineering. I believe that the high standards that Bryan helped set for him crossed over from the pitch into the classroom. -Philip Wingeier-Rayo
Mi hijo comenzó a jugar futbol en las ligas recreaciones a los cinco años en Union County pero después de tres años con un coach voluntario reconocí que necesitaba un técnico con más experiencia. Por muy buenas intenciones que tenga, a veces un papa voluntario no tiene el tiempo o el conocimiento para instruir bien a nuestros hijos e hijas. Entonces a la edad de 8 años encontré a Bryan y fui a observar sus entrenamientos antes de llevar a mi hijo. Es un técnico muy estricto y mantiene estandartes altos para los muchachos. El pide un esfuerzo y una dedicación al deporte y si su hijo o hija no está entregado mejor déjalo en una liga recreación. Mi hijo ahora tiene 18 años y ahora juega en la selección universitaria y también mantiene un promedio alto estudiando para ser ingeniero. Yo creo que la disciplina que impuso Bryan le ayudó a mi hijo de esperar lo mejor de él dentro de la cancha y también es sus estudios.
Bryan Ramoutar..... good coach? ABSOLUTELY! My daughter, Sydney, played for Bryan for years! He not only coached her but he brought a shy and timid little girl out of her shell and made her a very good athlete! He made her believe in herself and that she could hold her own on a team full of boys. He's kind, caring and very good at what he does which is coach soccer! I would recommend Bryan to anyone looking for a wonderful coach for their child. Your child will learn the ins and outs of soccer. Bryan is very approachable to the parents also. He was always available to me if I had any questions or concerns. My Sydney is a better athlete and person for having played for him. Thanks Bryan! The Psaroudis family loves you. - Sharon Psaroudis
Bryan Ramoutar ..... buen entrenador? ¡ABSOLUTAMENTE! Mi hija, Sydney, jugó para Bryan durante años! Él no sólo la entrenó, sino que sacó una niña tímida y tímida de su concha y la convirtió en una atleta muy buena! Él la hacía creer en sí misma y que ella podía tener su propia en un equipo lleno de chicos. Él es amable, cuidar y muy bueno en lo que hace que es el fútbol entrenador! Recomendaría Bryan a cualquiera que busque un entrenador maravilloso para su hijo. Su hijo aprenderá las entradas y salidas del fútbol. Bryan es muy accesible a los padres también. Siempre estaba disponible para mí si tenía alguna pregunta o preocupación. Mi Sydney es un mejor atleta y persona por haber jugado para él. Gracias Bryan! La familia Psaroudis te quiere.